(719) 357-9098 - Direct Mail Marketing Strategy
(719) 357-9098 - Direct Mail Marketing Strategy
WHO IS THIS FOR? ANYONE with a Mailbox Power Pro or Executive account. This can also be added to any other card & gift-sending platform. We help you take the guesswork out of how to follow up with their customers and prospects every month! You get access to exclusive monthly designs so you don't have to think about what to send.
Customer retention is the name of the game in business and we just simplified staying Top of Mind. Use our exclusive card designs and training along with our Connect 50 Strategy to stay Top of Mind with your BEST Clients.
For ONLY $290 year we will provide:
- Exclusive 12 touch automated holiday campaign
- Exclusive Birthday & Half Birthday campaign
- 12-24 extra club exclusive designs per year
- Bonus cards & gift designs throughout the year
- Exclusive Mastermind Facebook Group
- FREE Copy of our bestselling book, Life's Real Currency, Build Your Business on Relationships
Don't want to commit to a whole year?
For ONLY $39 month we will provide:
- Exclusive Birthday & Half Birthday campaign
- 12-24 Extra Club Exclusive Designs per year
- Bonus cards & gift designs throughout the year
- Exclusive Mastermind Facebook Group
Purchase Below or call us at (719) 357-9098 to learn more!
Check out what Jerilyn McDonald has to say about the Life's Real Currency Card A Month Club
Designed exclusively for our Card a Month Club members, the 12-month holiday automation is an easy way to set and forget your customer retention. Customer retention is extremely important and less expensive than customer acquisition. Statistics show that 84% of customers leave because of an attitude of indifference. Let your customers know you appreciate them with this holiday card and gift automation. Make customer appreciation a part of your customer retention strategy.
This is a great selection of cards for insurance agents who want to follow up with clients. The Our Policy design includes a Thank You, Birthday, and a choice of holiday cards, all the "essential" touches for your customer. The insurance cards are an example of what is available through our Concierge Service. Simply click on the image above to schedule an meeting to learn about for our Concierge Services.
The world needs great leaders, new visionaries, artists, writers, speakers, and producers. Show the dreamer in your life how valuable they truly are with a card that encourages their limitless potential. Everyone has the Freedom to seize every Opportunity with Passion and Purpose.
LRC Design Collection 5015
Each Journey begins with a Vision of where we want to go and what we want to accomplish. There will be times that require you to make Decisions and some will require Courage to move forward. The journey is yours and yours alone, others may join you but no one can walk it for you.
LRC Design Collection 5040
Friendship is a sacred possession. Like air, water, and sunshine are to flowers, trees, and greenery, so smiles, sympathy, and love of friends are to man's daily life. To live, laugh, and love is to bask in the sunshine of the relationships we cultivate in life. The design includes a 5x7 card, mug, jar gripper, coasters, and gourmet food label. The list price is a one-time cost for all the designs included.
LRC Design Collection 5064
Who do you know that is a golfer and getting ready to retire? This is a great way to cengratulate an employee or a friend for their years of dedication. Send this gift to the golfer in your life who will have more time to do what they love!
You don't have to have a special occasion to celebrate with the card and personalized charcuterie board. Send this card and the cheese board will get you noticed and appreciated.
There is no better way to get your business popping than reaching out to customers and letting them know how much they are valued. So may today bring you the warmth of friends, the respect of your business associates and customers, as well as the love of family.
Thank you for visiting Life's Real Currency. Get your FREE copy of our book, Life's Real Currency, Build Your Business on Relationship, A Foundation for Success for just $7.95 US, $16.95 Canada shipping/handling.